
Vaitheeswarankoil: Siram. Tamil Nadu

Siram is a small boy who came with his father, mother, brother and sister to visit and pray at the temple in Vaitheeswarankoil. The family was from Vellore. His hair had been shaved for the sacred occasion. His head is sprinkled with an antiseptic powder which is widely used after the ritual shavings.

Situated about 24 km. from Chidambaram, the temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, who is worshipped as Vaitheeswaran or Vaidhyanadha Swamy. His consort is known as Thaiyal Nayaki.

6 commentaires:

K M F a dit…

intersting one

Vineeta a dit…

What i respect about you is the meticulousness with which you get all the names and facts right of all the different parts, temples, rituals & the many gods' many names of India. A North Indian would struggle to pronounce or read what you've written here. You truly love India dont you? :)

Smiler a dit…

I'm fairly sure the powder they use is actually a spice called Turmeric or Curcuma. It's used in curries very frequently, but it's also known for it's antiseptic qualities in Ayurvedic medicine.

Gill a dit…

Yes! Turmeric powder~ It also stops any bleeding. Excellent photo. What a sweet child.

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